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OHS Holds Athletic Banquet

May 01, 2016

O'Neill 3D Awards - Austin Hilker, Walker Liewer, Tyson Hostert and Jack Gutshall.

The 2016 O’Neill High School Athletic Banquet was held Friday, April 29, 2016 at the O’Neill High School.  Sudents, parents and faculty enjoyed a catered meal followed by a video with highlights from each athletic season. The featured speaker for the evening was Tom Olson, teacher and head football coach at Norfolk High School.  

Annual awards were presented.

School Spirit Award – This award is given to a student that shows great school spirit all year long.  This year’s winner is Austin Hilker.


3-D Awards – These students participated in a sport for each of the 3 seasons all four years they were in High School.  This year there were four that received the honor.  They are Austin Hilker, Walker Liewer, Tyson Hostert and Jack Gutshall.



Academic Athletes – This award goes to one female and one male of the senior class honoring them for their academic achievement as well as athletic achievements.  Olivia Fonseca and Walker Liewer were this year’s recipients.

Athlete of the Year – All head coaches at O’Neill Public School vote on this award which is given to one female and one male in the senior class.  Abby Gillham and Tyson Hostert received this honor.

Honorary “O” Club Member – The “O” Club recognizes someone from the community or school that contributes to athlete’s programs.  This year the award goes to Heath Hahlbeck.



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